School Daze

After ten days in Manila for my father's angioplasty, we all flew back to Cebu for the start of school.

Matt, the eldest, was left behind as his first trimester in college started last May 31st, a Monday.

It feels different without him at home. The other boys miss him as much as we do. And I guess that's how it's going to be for quite some time.

Tomorrow, Kyle's classes will start. On the 15th will be Jake's. The only thing going for me is the thought that with school, all the boys are more productive. All the gaming gadgets and the tv will be put to rest.


  1. What a reunion, indeed!

    Wish I could have more ANGIOPLASTIES in the future, to have longer family reunions!

    God forbid!

    Thanks for everything: your cares, attentions, prayers and of course financial supports. It would have been a lot tougher with out you around!

  2. Animo La Salle to Matts! He's a mixed blood (blue and green) like his tito Rommel.

    No more angioplasty, Papa! You have to follow the doctor's advice ha.

    I miss home. I wonder if home misses me too. :)

  3. hi paparazzi, no worries! we're just a call and a short flight away from you. just holler anytime.

    may, iwan mo na singapore and come back ;) my take is, mas madali pa rin buhay dito because of family.


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