Please Vote for Zia Once Everyday...Thank you.

by May

My Zia joined a contest online and is needing your support. Your comment once a day will be very much appreciated. Just complete either of the ff sentences:

1. Zophia Maureen Roca is my winning Pinoy Smile because...
2. My tip for a healthy smile is...
3. My dental question for Pinoy Smile is...
4. The Pinoy Smile website can be improved by...
5. I take care of my teeth by...
6. Teeth are important because...
7. I take care of my child's teeth...

and post it here...


  1. dropping by here sis and i noticed that we have the same blog theme. god bless you and your family..i will visit that site to vote for her too

  2. thank you jodi :)

  3. may, contest is suspended daw due to some cheaters :( i will continue to vote daily though as long as the site accepts comments/votes for zia :D


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