
by Linnor

Picnik collage
One Sunday, Jerry and I dressed up in comfy clothes to join our sons in their annual sports fest. The weather was not too ideal for the day-long affair. In fact, it rained on their parade! Pun intended. Thankfully, the preschoolers were not part of the parade around the school grounds or I would have worried about Jake getting sick with colds which he is normally wont to do at the slightest exposure to the elements.

My teenage sons, however, were not spared because they were drenched! Haha! I think they must have enjoyed it more, scampering to covered areas, although a little too late. :)

Jerry and I were with the other quick-thinking parents who stayed safely covered in the school gym. We secured a good spot where we could comfortably watch the yells and cheer dancing. Some parents weren't lucky enough because by the time they got to the gym, the whole place was already packed.

As a recap, Kyle's class won in soccer that day. He was so proud that he scored a goal in that game where his section played against the section of his cousin Jaymes. In the cheering contest, Matt's 4th year level won in the yell, while Kyle's 1st year batch won in the cheer dancing contest. Dressed in all-black, Kyle was one of those who were lifting the dancers. I guess his height was taken advantage of because not a lot in his batch were as tall. Matt, on the other hand, was one of 3 mascots for his class. He was dressed as one of the mimes (the one with the smiling face). :D

We all had fun, but the one who enjoyed it the most was preschooler Jake, who was clad in blue. He was actively yelling and jumping with his classmates. His excitement was at that point where he was already out of cadence! Oh well, Jerry and I had a good laugh seeing him trip a few times. Jake didn't seem to be bothered at all. Such energy, that boy.

Here are some pics:

Picnik collage  
Jake with his classmates
  Picnik collage 
Kyle in black, Matt the mime with the happy face (on the right)

*** Just added 11/25: I realized this was the last sports fest Matt would be having as he is going off to the university next year. Taking his place now is Jake, whose participation this year was his first! :)


  1. What a great way to make memories!

    Ours was being able to wear non-Crispa shirts but instead, ordinary white shirts tinted with jobos.

    Glad to know that Mitzi, my wife shared the same experience every time Intrams started :)

  2. hi junnie,

    soon you and mitzi will be "soccer mom and dad" to your little gabe. :)


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