Julie & Julia Project

by May

Rommel and I just watched Julie & Julia. Here's a bit of what the movie is all about from Wikipedia:

In the year 2002 Julie Powell (Amy Adams) attempts to cook every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, which was written in the 1960s, and write a blog about it. Woven into her story is the story of Julia Child's time in Paris, in the 1950s, in which she discovers the art of cooking. Both women get much support from their husbands, although at one point Powell's husband is fed up with her excessive devotion to her hobby...

I like it because I can relate to both characters. Julia is a go getter. It seems like what she wants, she gets. Her eagerness to learn and her determination to master her craft makes her stand out from the crowd (which I wish I could do too in the years to come).

Julie, on the other hand, is the opposite. In the movie, it's mentioned that she can't finish whatever she gets herself into that's why she makes a project to prove to herself that she's not like that in which she succeeds.

I can imagine myself as Julia because when I want something, I try my best to get it. However, most of the time, it's the Julie in me that succeeds. I end up not finishing the race.

To elaborate, this month is our company's year end and I am running for the career benefit bonus. I find clients...set up appointments...do the analysis fast...do a lot of follow ups...close the sale. But, I am still short of 3 lives and S$3k. My manager always tells me (maybe to motivate me) that I am doing a good job...that I am one of the few people who could do it in less than a year. But, it doesn't make me feel any better. It's like climbing a tree and when you're almost to the top, the branch your stepping on breaks and you fall to the ground...frustrating indeed.

However, as I'm writing this entry, it dawned on me...I did...I did finish the race...I may not be the first on the finish line, but I still managed to take the last lap.


  1. anything that's worth doing is worth doing well. that in itself is winning half the battle. getting the goal is a sweet bonus. :)

    God bless your endeavors. :)


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