Birthday/Halloween Lunch

by Linnor

It's been 13 days since Kyle turned 13.  That officially makes us parents to two teenagers.  Here are pictures of the birthday lunch treat we had with Kyle's friends at Big Mao at the Terraces (Ayala Center Cebu) last Saturday.

Yummy sans rival

ala adams family :) on kyle's bday lunch at Big Mao
Posing ala Addams Family

the masked guests :)
Kyle and his masked and "bolted" friends

All three pictures above were swiped from our teacher-friend, Mr. Suralta.  More "scary" pics can be found in this album:  Birthday Halloween Party

Big Mao lunch for Kyle's birthday treat
And here's a pic of the other guests


  1. wow so saya!

    we;re supposed to have a halloween/costume party for kayil, kaso nahiya naman ako to pursue the plans because of what happened here in our village (ondoy flood).. baka magalit sa akin ang ibang moms, sabihin nabaha na nga pacostume party pa hihi.. nakatahi na nga ako ngmga costumes nila :)


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